A few days ago I was reminded of something that I really enjoy, translating my favorite stories or movie lines into Gaelic. Can you tell what this one is? there may be a few mistakes but boy was it fun. ‘S e fhirinn aidichte leis a h-uile duine gu bheil bean a dhìth air gille aig a bheil deagh fhortan .
Ga bith de cho beag ‘s tha fios aig na daoine air faireachdainn a’ ghille nuair a ruigeas e an coimhearsnachd, tha am fios seo cho laidir ann cinn na teaghlaichean ‘s gur ann le nighean air coireigin aca a tha e. “A Mhaighstir Bennet choir” thuirt a bhean ris aon latha “Nach cuala tu gu bheil Pairce Netherfeild aig duine mu dheireadh thall?” Thuirt Maighstir Bennet nach chuala. “O tha e” fhreagairt i “ bha a bhean-phòsda Long direach air a bhith an seo agus dh’innse i dhomh a h-uile rud mu dheidhinn” Cha d’rinn Maighstir Bennet freagairt sam bith. “Nach eil thu airson faighinn a-mach cò leis a tha e?” dh’eigh a bhean gu mì-fhoighidneach “Tha thusa ag iarraidh ag innse dhomh agus chan eil gearan agam ga cluinntinn” Bha sin na cuireadh gu leòr aicese. “Uill ‘ios agad a’ graidh, thuirt a bh-pd Long gu bheil Netherfeild aig òigear aig a bheil fortan mòr bho taobh tutha Shassainn. Thuirt i gun tainig e sios air Diluain ann an carabad is ceithir eich airson an t-àite fhaicinn agus chord e ris cho mor s’ gun do rinn e aonntach le Mgr Morris sa spot agus bhidh e ann ro An Fhéill-Mìcheil agus bidh a shiabhantan ann aig cean an ath sheachdain” “Dè an slionneadh a th’air?” “Bingley.” “A bheil e pòsda?” “O chan eil gu dearbh! Duine sigailte beartach , ceithir no còig mìle ‘sa bhliadhna. Nach math sin airson air nigheanan” “Ciamar? Ciamar a bhios sin a’ cur buaidh orra?” “A Mhaighstir Bennet choir” fhreagar a bhean “Nach thusa a tha faoin! Femumaidh gu bheil fios agad gu bheil mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bi e a’ pòsadh tè dhiubh” “A bheil sin as coirreach gu bheil e an seo?” “Chan eil! Na bi gorach! ach tha deagh teans gum bi e a’ tuiteam ann an gaol le tè dhiubh agus mar sin feumaidh tu a’ dol a cheilidh air cho luatha ‘sa bhios e ann.” “Chan eil mi a faicinn aobhair airson sin. Faodaidh tu fhein agus na caileagan a dol annm no leig na caileagan a dhol ann leotha fhein ‘s docha gum bi sin nas fheàrr, tha thu ceart cho boidheach s tha iad, dh’fhaoidte gum bi thusa a’ cordadh ris nas fheàrr na cac.” "Tha thu a’ dèanamh slìomaireachd rium , m’ eudail. Bha agam mo chuid bòidheachd aig aon àm ach chan mi a’ leigeil orm gu bheil mi sonraichte a nis. Nuair a tha còignear nigheanan mhora aig boireanach bu choir dhi sguir a’ smaoineachadh air a boidheachd aice fhein” “Ann an suidheachaidhean mar sin, mar is tric chan moran boidheachd aice” “Ach a graidh, feumaidh tu a cheilidh air Mgh. Bingley nuar a ruigeas e an coimhearsnachd “ “Tha sin barrachd na tha duil agam ri deanamh” “Ach smaoinich air do nigheanan. Smaoinich de cho math ‘s bhios sin do tè dhiubh. Bidh Sir Uilleam Lucas agus a bhean a dol air aona gnothaich, tha làn fhios agad nach bi iad a cheilidh air duine ùr sam bith. Feumaidh tu a dol no cha bhi e comasach dhuinne mur eil.”
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This first one An Innis Aigh, is one of my favorite Gaelic songs from Nova Scotia. If I remember correctly it was written by Angus MacLelland about Margaree Island where he was a lighthouse keeper. I've always liked Leis an Luragainn it has a great tune and the last three are waulking songs. Song 36 Song 37 Song 38 Song 39 Song 40
About a year and a half ago I planted some seeds. I watered them every day. Soon the quicker ones had sprouted. They were sunflowers and the grew quickly and before it was even possible (because of weather) to put them out side they had grown to be about 3 feet tall, flowered and were on their way out. They were lovely in and of them selves. But I am most grateful to them for an other reason. Because they sprouted so quickly I had no problem remembering to water them every day and by the time they were fading a tiny, tiny little geranium had popped up in the pot as well. Normally I wouldn't have had the patience to wait a few months for a seed to germinate. But this little plant has been teaching me all about patience. For about a year after sprouting the wee geranium stayed quite small, about 2-3 inches high with just a few leaves. Then as spring came round again it began to shoot up. I put it in a new pot and put it out in the garden with the other geraniums. It grew and flourished and I got more and more excited to see what color flowers it would have. Midsummer came and went and the geranium was happy but had no buds. July, like wise was coming to and end and finally there was the hint of buds. Slowly they grew, carefully extending their stalk towards the sun. It took weeks for the buds to open. I have watched pots boil, it is nothing to waiting for a flower to bloom. I was reminded of the Little Prince and his rose. In the end the blooms opened, a light delicate pink, similar but not identical to the parent plant. I can't wait to get some more geranium seed Many of these songs I learned early on. Some of them like 'Tha mi sgith" and "Fhir a bhata" I don't sing much because I heard them so much at that time that they kinda got worn out. It is nice to come back to them here. Song 26: Song 27: Song 28 Song 29: Song 30:
AuthorsCaroline has been involved with Gaelic for more than 18 years. She has degrees in Celtic Studies and Gaelic Medium Teaching. Archives
March 2021