Want to start learning Scottish Gaelic or improve the Gaelic you already have?
Here at Daily Gaelic there are three ways to learn Gaelic:
Classes: Classes last 12 weeks are are one hour, once a week. Classes start in January, May and September. Classes also offer the opportunity to learn Gaelic with other people. More info...
Private Lessons: private lesson offer a chance to have personalized instruction and more flexibility in pace and schedule. More info...
E-mail courses: Each day you will be sent a link. That link will let you see and hear your Gaelic word of the day. You can look at and listen to the word as many times as you like, then the next day you will get a link to the next word. The words are then reviewed with more information given, building up your confidence and Gaelic knowledge. More info...
Self Study Group: Monthly reading, writing, and listening exercises. Once monthly Skype meeting and membership in a facebook group.
Private Lessons: private lesson offer a chance to have personalized instruction and more flexibility in pace and schedule. More info...
E-mail courses: Each day you will be sent a link. That link will let you see and hear your Gaelic word of the day. You can look at and listen to the word as many times as you like, then the next day you will get a link to the next word. The words are then reviewed with more information given, building up your confidence and Gaelic knowledge. More info...
Self Study Group: Monthly reading, writing, and listening exercises. Once monthly Skype meeting and membership in a facebook group.