About the teachers

'S mise Caroline.
I have been teaching Gaelic for 14 years and studying it for 24 years. I have B.A. hon in Celtic Studies from St. Francis Xavier university and a teaching degree in Gaelic Medium Education from the University of Strathclyde. I also completed a course in Gaelic language and traditional music.
I am the founder, curriculum developer and a teacher at Daily Gaelic. My goal for students is that they enjoy learning Gaelic and develop confidence in communicating in Gaelic and be able to use it in their daily lives.
Please have a look around the site and let me know how we can help you connect to Scottish Gaelic.
Caroline is responsible for the website and most course materials as well as teaching classes and private lessons.
'S mise Caroline.
I have been teaching Gaelic for 14 years and studying it for 24 years. I have B.A. hon in Celtic Studies from St. Francis Xavier university and a teaching degree in Gaelic Medium Education from the University of Strathclyde. I also completed a course in Gaelic language and traditional music.
I am the founder, curriculum developer and a teacher at Daily Gaelic. My goal for students is that they enjoy learning Gaelic and develop confidence in communicating in Gaelic and be able to use it in their daily lives.
Please have a look around the site and let me know how we can help you connect to Scottish Gaelic.
Caroline is responsible for the website and most course materials as well as teaching classes and private lessons.

Hi. 'S mise Cam, agus ’s e tidsear a th' annam. I've been teaching for most of my adult life, in
traditional classrooms, in museums and in living history settings, and lately, on Skype too. I’ve studied Gaelic in Cape Breton, Scotland, and North Carolina, and I continue to learn by taking part in regular Gaelic study groups and conversation groups. And I keep a copy of Blas na Gàidhlig on my bedside table. No kidding.
Besides teaching Gaelic, I teach courses in Celtic Studies and Appalachian Studies through the OLLI program at the University of Illinois. In my spare time I knit, I play the harp, and I’m one of the editors of “An Naidheachd Againne,” the bilingual quarterly newsletter of An Comunn Gàidhealach Ameireaganach.
traditional classrooms, in museums and in living history settings, and lately, on Skype too. I’ve studied Gaelic in Cape Breton, Scotland, and North Carolina, and I continue to learn by taking part in regular Gaelic study groups and conversation groups. And I keep a copy of Blas na Gàidhlig on my bedside table. No kidding.
Besides teaching Gaelic, I teach courses in Celtic Studies and Appalachian Studies through the OLLI program at the University of Illinois. In my spare time I knit, I play the harp, and I’m one of the editors of “An Naidheachd Againne,” the bilingual quarterly newsletter of An Comunn Gàidhealach Ameireaganach.

Is mise Raibeart agus 's ann à Ceap Breatuinn a tha mi. Bha Gàidhlig aig mo sheanmhair agus tha facal neo dhà aig mo phàrantan fhathast, ged a dh'ionnsaich mi mo chuid Ghàidhlig aig an oilthigh comhla ri Caroline.
Se dealanair agus neach-rannsachaidh a th'annam, agus bidh mi a'teagasg cuideachd. Is toil leam a bhith a'coiseachd air a'chladach neò anns a choille. Bidh mi a'cluich air a'mhandolin agus air a'ghiotar.
Is mise Raibeart agus 's ann à Ceap Breatuinn a tha mi. Bha Gàidhlig aig mo sheanmhair agus tha facal neo dhà aig mo phàrantan fhathast, ged a dh'ionnsaich mi mo chuid Ghàidhlig aig an oilthigh comhla ri Caroline.
Se dealanair agus neach-rannsachaidh a th'annam, agus bidh mi a'teagasg cuideachd. Is toil leam a bhith a'coiseachd air a'chladach neò anns a choille. Bidh mi a'cluich air a'mhandolin agus air a'ghiotar.

Adam Dahmer (born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky; currently living in Calgary, Alberta) studied Scottish Gaelic at the University of Edinburgh, where he earned an MSc and PhD in Celtic Studies. Now that he's graduated, he's eager to help his fellow North Americans learn Gaelic, and is grateful to have the opportunity to teach with Gaelic Gach Latha!