'S e a chiad latha den Mìos na Gàidhlig a th'ann an-diugh agus tha mise air gealtainn gum bi mise a' sgrìobhadh brath-bloga a h-uile latha den mìos seo. Thoisich mi rud beag tràth co-dhiubh ach 's e a-nis an t-àm airson fìor thoiseachadh a dhèanamh.
Failte oirbh gu Mìos na Gàidhlig ma tha! Tha mi an dòchas gu bidh sibh a' gabhail pàirt anns na tachairtean agus gum bidh sibh a' bruidhinn ri duine mu dhèidhinn Gàidhlig. 'S e deagh cothromh a th' ann am Mìos na Gàidhlig an coimhearsnachd farsaing Gàidhlige a tighinn còmhla anns an t-saoghal fìor agus air an eadar-lìon. Tha mi an dòchas gum bidh mi gur faicinn an àiteigin am mìos seo. It is the first day of Mìos na Gàidhlig today and I have promised that I will write a blog-post every day this month. I started a little early anyhow but now is the time to make a real beginning. Welcome to Mìos na Gàidhlig then! I hope you all will take part in the events and that you will be talking to people about Gaelic. Mìos na Gàidhlig is a good opportunity for the wide Gaelic community to come together in the real world and on the internet. I hope to see you someplace this month. :)
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AuthorsCaroline has been involved with Gaelic for more than 18 years. She has degrees in Celtic Studies and Gaelic Medium Teaching. Archives
March 2021